how to treat consecutive delimeter as one when importing data?



I have a big table which I want to import to Access, however, there are some
consecutive spaces between numbers. When I import this table to access and
select space as delimeter, there will be many empty columns.

I know in excel, when Data -> text to columns, we are allowed to treat
consecutive delimeter as one, hence avoid this issue. But How can I do
similar thing in Access?

Thanks for help!

- Dan

John Nurick

Hi Dan,

If the spaces are there to make the numbers line up neatly into columns,
Access can import it as a fixed-width file.

Otherwise, you could use Data|Text to columns... in Excel, save the
result (as Excel or CSV) and import it into Access.

Or if you Perl is installed on your computer, you can get rid of
multiple consecutive spaces with

perl -i.bak -pe "s/ +/ /g" "D:\Folder\Filename.txt"

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