Can someone please tell me how to turn off Word for Mac's autoformatting of
fractions when 1/2 or 1/3, etc. is typed?
Cmd-z directly after will undo it, for sporadic needs.
This only works in Office 2004, so since you didn't specify version, typing
it may be wasted effort. I'll hope not.
Type 1/2 and let it change. Hover over it until you see a blue line. Move
the mouse down slightly so that the blue line spits out a clipboard icon.
Click on the clipboard icon and select option 2 "stop creating fractions."
To turn it back on, you'll need to run a little macro or a script, or if you
ever need to trash your preferences for some reason, it will be back on by
This would be the macro, which you probably don't need:
Sub EnableFractions()
Options.AutoFormatReplaceFractions = True
End Sub