how to turn off "Do you want to save changes?"



Can someone tell me how to turn off the Outlook message "Do you want to save
Thank you

Brian Tillman

svtv6 said:
Can someone tell me how to turn off the Outlook message "Do you want
to save changes?"

Don't make any changes to the items and you won't see the popup.


Thanks for the info, But what I mean is that when you receive emails in
Outlook, even completely legitimate ones, Outlook commonly says "Right click
here to download pictures. To help protect your privicy, Outlook prevented
automatic download of this picture from the internet". If you open the
pictures, which I usually do, Outlook considers this a change and comes up
with the "Do you want to save changes?" question. That is the query that I
want to turn off.


Brian Tillman

svtv6 said:
Thanks for the info, But what I mean is that when you receive
emails in Outlook, even completely legitimate ones, Outlook commonly
says "Right click here to download pictures. To help protect your
privicy, Outlook prevented automatic download of this picture from
the internet". If you open the pictures, which I usually do, Outlook
considers this a change and comes up with the "Do you want to save
changes?" question. That is the query that I want to turn off.

There is no way I know to do that.

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