We use to link .EMF files into large PowerPoint files, which let us run jobs
creates the .emf files into the last minute before we publicate out data.
What we can´t do is to break the links to the .emf files.
It is not an OLE and not an object 10, no hyperlink.
Now I have to import the ppt-file to Impress and break the links.
Sometimes we lose information in the .emf file doing this.
It is ok with a programming solution in VBA or VB.
creates the .emf files into the last minute before we publicate out data.
What we can´t do is to break the links to the .emf files.
It is not an OLE and not an object 10, no hyperlink.
Now I have to import the ppt-file to Impress and break the links.
Sometimes we lose information in the .emf file doing this.
It is ok with a programming solution in VBA or VB.