How to unlock a document from Outlook



I inadvertantly locked a document in Outlook this has caused my Outlook to
lock up completely which means I cannot respond to anyone or anything that
comes in.. how do I unlock??? thanks


I have the same problem...I attached too many attachments I guess and it will
not send and just sitting there in the send basket! I can't delete it, move
it, or anything! I'm sure there's something simple to do - but what????
Thanks for any assistance! Won't try that again! lol


Try File, work offline, delete it.

I have the same problem...I attached too many attachments I guess and it will
not send and just sitting there in the send basket! I can't delete it, move
it, or anything! I'm sure there's something simple to do - but what????
Thanks for any assistance! Won't try that again! lol

Brian Tillman

Thanks for the suggestion - tried it and it didn't work!

Did you stop and restart Outlook After clicking File>Work Offline? Mary
left that part out.


No, I didn't! But of course the next day when I came in and turned on the
computer, voila' - it worked!!! Thanks so much! Now I know!

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