How to update a column making sure new rows are created for new va



I've spent many hours entering data into a worksheet sent to me as a price
file from a vendor. The first column is a list of part#s, second is vendors'
description, etc. I've created new columns and entered a lot of data, but
now the vendor sent me an updated price file. The new file has all the
original part#'s but there have been new part#'s added., and pricing has
changed for all.

How do I update the old worksheet with the current pricing, while creating
new rows for the new part #'s?

Earl Kiosterud


Select and copy all the new stuff from the vendor, leaving out the headings -- just the
actual records. Switch to the old workbook, and paste it directly under the stuff that's
there. Any of this is undoable if it doesn't go just right -- you can try again. Now sort
the table on the part number column, and Bob's your uncle. If there are duplicate part
numbers, they'll be together. If you don't know how to sort with Excel, read "Sorting in
Excel" at It can flat mess stuff up.
Sorts are also undoable, by the way. Undoable always looks as though I've spelled it wrong.
Earl Kiosterud

Note: Some folks prefer bottom-posting.
But if you bottom-post to a reply that's
already top-posted, the thread gets messy.
When in Rome...


< Undoable always looks as though I've spelled it wrong.>

I know what you mean, I always tend to change the syntax
of the sentence and use 'can't undo' or 'can't be undone'
or some such workaround.

I also seem to have a mental block when reading it, my thought
process usually runs along the lines of ...
Undoble? Hey! What? oh undoable OK. <g>


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