I have one form having one label and one command button...
On click event I am doing a process in a loop say about 50 times...
Sample code
for i = 1 to 50
' long process...
' update form label.caption with current counter 'doesnt work..
next i
what i want is after finishing process each time, i want to update label
counter on form so i could know how many times its finished...
I tried by so many ways but somehow it updates counter only after finishing
whole function and directly sets caption to 50...
Can anyone have same problems? Any ideas? Does anyone have sample code???
Any help would be apprecaited..
I have one form having one label and one command button...
On click event I am doing a process in a loop say about 50 times...
Sample code
for i = 1 to 50
' long process...
' update form label.caption with current counter 'doesnt work..
next i
what i want is after finishing process each time, i want to update label
counter on form so i could know how many times its finished...
I tried by so many ways but somehow it updates counter only after finishing
whole function and directly sets caption to 50...
Can anyone have same problems? Any ideas? Does anyone have sample code???
Any help would be apprecaited..