How to update multiple worksheets?


Sunil Pradhan

I have identical MS Excel worksheets stored in different drives. I want to
update them all when i update my master copy? Any way out?


Sunil said:
I have identical MS Excel worksheets stored in different drives. I want to
update them all when i update my master copy? Any way out?

Hi Sunil,

First, some terminology: A workbook equates to a file, and a workbook
can contain one or more worksheets. Therefore, you have identical
/workbooks/ stored on different drives.

The standard way to do what you ask is to have one master or "parent"
workbook, and one or more other workbooks (the "child" workbooks) that
are linked to the parent. If the parent is updated and saved, and
subsequently a child workbook is opened, the child will fetch the
updated linked values from the parent, after prompting you.

Hope this helps.

Bill Kuunders

Have a look at using a macro in the "before close" .......
using the savecopyas instruction.

Greetings from New Zealand

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