How to upgrade OneNote 2003 without a original CD?



I purchased a new Averatec Tablet two weeks ago and went to Microsoft Office
to download any updates. I was directed to download the update to Onenote
2003. It needs an original CD which did not come with the tablet. The
Averatec company said I need to down load the 60 day trial version, which
then said I need to delete the previous version. So to upgrade I need to get
a 60 day version which I would have to pay for after 60 days. Any clue?

Erik Sojka

Just confirming: Did OneNote come with your OEM software build? It's not
a normal piece of software that comes with Windows or a Tablet PC or
Office for that matter.

Assuming that OneNote was included with your Tablet, there should be a
folder somewhere on your OEM recovery CD that has the original OneNote
install files, and there should be a certificate of authenticity and
product ID that came with the paperwork. If you're missing any of those,
chances are that OneNote didn't come preinstalled, and you would have to
purchase a copy at a retail outlet to use the product past the 60 day

If OneNote was preinstalled as a trial, then you're in the same boat, and
would have to purchase a copy to continue using it.


It was included, the OEM states I cannot perform manual or selective
installs. So, do I just install and see what happens? Or just incert the
OEM and see if it will let me identify its location for the update?

Ben M. Schorr - MVP OneNote

I've got an Averatec C3500 myself and, though this won't help you, I didn't
bother trying to figure out how to use the Averatec CDs. I just
uninstalled, reinstalled from my MSDN set and installed the SP1 patch from
there. Wish I had a better idea for you.

I don't care for the way Averatec bundles the software for exactly this


Ben M. Schorr, OneNote-MVP
Stockholm Consulting Group/KSG
Microsoft OneNote FAQ:

**I apologize but I am unable to respond to direct requests for assistance.
Please post questions and replies here in the newsgroup. Mahalo!

Chris H.

From :
If your copy of OneNote 2003 came preinstalled on a new computer, you should
be able to reinstall OneNote 2003 from the recovery CD or media that came
with your computer. Please follow the instructions on your recovery CD or
media to reinstall OneNote 2003.

Or, If you have lost your OneNote product CD, please contact Microsoft Help
and Support and provide proof of purchase to obtain another product CD.

You may have a product ID number in the documentation which came with your
Tablet PC, or it may be on the bottom of the Tablet on a separate label. If
the OEM installed a 60-day trial version, you will need to purchase the full
Chris H.
Microsoft Windows MVP/Tablet PC
Tablet Creations -
Associate Expert
Expert Zone -

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