I have a web service that supplies me with the next available number each
time I ask for it. However, I have that datasource as "Automatically retrieve
data when form is opened", so I am burning through number way to fast. What I
want to do is assign a default value to my FormID field of "<NEW>" and then
in the OnLoad event do something like this:
Sub XDocument_OnLoad(evetnObj)
if XDocument.DOM.selectSingleNode("//my:FormID").text = "<NEW>" then
XDocument.DOM.selectSingleNode("//my:FormID").text =
end if
End Sub
So can someone supply me with the correct code to do this, please?
time I ask for it. However, I have that datasource as "Automatically retrieve
data when form is opened", so I am burning through number way to fast. What I
want to do is assign a default value to my FormID field of "<NEW>" and then
in the OnLoad event do something like this:
Sub XDocument_OnLoad(evetnObj)
if XDocument.DOM.selectSingleNode("//my:FormID").text = "<NEW>" then
XDocument.DOM.selectSingleNode("//my:FormID").text =
end if
End Sub
So can someone supply me with the correct code to do this, please?