The telephone number field in the database I am working on
uses an input mask, i.e. !\(999") "000\-0000;;_ The area
code is almost always going to be the same so I would like
to display a default value, but continue using the input
mask for entry of the last seven digits. How do I
continue using the input mask and display a default value
in the area code portion of the mask? Thanks in advance
for any help you can provide.
uses an input mask, i.e. !\(999") "000\-0000;;_ The area
code is almost always going to be the same so I would like
to display a default value, but continue using the input
mask for entry of the last seven digits. How do I
continue using the input mask and display a default value
in the area code portion of the mask? Thanks in advance
for any help you can provide.