Everytime I send something in BCC and leave the "to" line blank, it puts my
email address on there. I dont want it to do that. I would rather it say
undisclosed-recipients or family and friends. I created an address entry
that said undisclosed recipients and put my email...as i was told by another
user. So then I tried it, but then I eneded up sending the emails to me
also. I dont want that either. Is there any way to use the BCC without
having my email address on the to line or actually having to send it to
email address on there. I dont want it to do that. I would rather it say
undisclosed-recipients or family and friends. I created an address entry
that said undisclosed recipients and put my email...as i was told by another
user. So then I tried it, but then I eneded up sending the emails to me
also. I dont want that either. Is there any way to use the BCC without
having my email address on the to line or actually having to send it to