How to use ERROR.TYPE in an IF function?



I am getting error message #DIV/0! - How can I use ERROR.TYPE in an IF
function to bypass this error so that I can sum a column? OR, is there a
better way to achieve the same result? Thank you.

Dave Peterson

I ususually weasel out and just check for an error:

or just check the denominator:

But you could use a different formula to sum the column:

instead of:

you can use:

1E37 is just a giant number (1 followed by 37 0's)


You should trap the error at source. That particular error comes from
trying to divide by zero, so if you have a formula like:


and B1 can be zero or blank, then you can trap it using a formula like


This will return a blank, but you could use 0 instead of "" in the
formula if you prefer.

SUM will ignore blanks.

Hope this helps.



Thank you for your suggestion Dave Peterson.

Dave Peterson said:
I ususually weasel out and just check for an error:

or just check the denominator:

But you could use a different formula to sum the column:

instead of:

you can use:

1E37 is just a giant number (1 followed by 37 0's)

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