How to use Excel Average feature



Version: 2008
Operating System: Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard)
Processor: Intel

Hi, I'm really new to Excel, and want to know how to use the Average feature.

I have a column of numbers. I now want to create a formula where it can average a discontinuous selection of these numbers. I get how to select those numbers, and I see the AVERAGE in the Formula Builder, but I'm unclear what order to do things in so that the formula is correct. Do I first put an equals sign in the cell? Then select the cells I want to average? I've tried a variety of ways, but still get an error message.


Well, a couple of fundamentals should put you on the right track :)

First, keep in mind that to Excel a cell can contain either of two things: a
value or a text string. Formulas are basically text strings so they must be
preceded by an = so the program knows that the text that follows is an
instruction or procedure that it needs to execute rather than simply text to
be displayed.

Second, the argument indicating the range of cells referred to must be a
contiguous range of cells, such as =AVERAGE(A10:A100) , but it sounds from
your description that you want to average values in additional,
non-contiguous cells along with the others. If that's the case you need to
supply the function with a separate argument for each contiguous range of
cells. Each argument separated from the next by a comma, so your formula
would look more like =AVERAGE(A10:A100,B12,C5:C7) or if the values are all
in he same column =AVERAGE(A10:A15,A27,A32:A35,A44)

I'd suggest that you take a bit of time to go to Excel's Help and explore
the links on the main page grouped as Popular Topics & Popula Training. If
you have any specific questions or need clarification you've found the place
to ask... Someone will usually have the answer or help figure it out :)

Good Luck |:>)
Bob Jones
[MVP] Office:Mac

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