I just finished seminar handbook. It's currently in my printer's hands and
I'm waiting to see a first proof. Even if I sent it to you, it wouldn't help
you a lot. Plus I'd have to delete out a lot of the info before sending it.
Which version of Publisher are you using?
JoAnn Paules
MVP Microsoft [Publisher]
Tech Editor for "Microsoft Publisher 2007 For Dummies"
rst45 said:
I want to use Publisher to do my school handbook instead of word. It
will be
a 52 page book with a heavy stock cover. Any suggestions? help??
to look into?? Thanks in advance Ron
Thanks for your response JoAnn. The handbook is going to be printed
in-house in our school. The printer recently purchased does collating and
binding. I am curious how to get started to handle this project. I have
small 4 and 8 page brochers done. But this book is being placed on 11x17
paper with a heavy stock cover.
Any places to specifically look or see samples would help. Also, I don't
know if I missed it or not, but I did not really see anything on the
end of the opening of publisher that answered my questions.