More help would be valued. Using the (preferred) method at requires my altering my form
to replace
<form action=""
method=POST> with
<form action="" method=POST> and
uploading the original 'action=...' to their server. After the user
clicks the SUBMIT button on my form, they are then presented with a
new page containing a captcha, followed by my own confirmation page.
The method at
works by providing PHP scripts for me to put on my server, then having
me edit my form to call those scripts so that a captcha appears at an
appropriate place on my form. Then a PHP script has to be placed on
the server to pre-process the submitted form.
The first method seems much simpler to implement, but requires control
to be passed to a third party. The second method would leave control
with me, but I am too stupid to understand how it works (I don't speak
My problem is that as far as I can work out, FrontPage replaces the
'action=...' with a bit of JavaScript (which I don't speak either).
So if I were to replace that, then I would loose the remaining
(presumably desirable) functions of the JavaScript. Do I need to
embed a PHP call in the JavaScript ? If so, what should the code look
like ? Otherwise, how can the goal of having a captcha be achieved ?
Currently on my disk drive a line of the form looks like this:
<form method=POST enctype="application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
name="FrontPage_Form1" action="--WEBBOT-SELF--"
onSubmit="location.href='_derived/nortbots.htm';return false;"
language="JavaScript" webbot-onSubmit="
return FrontPage_Form1_Validator(this)">
<!--webbot bot="SaveResults" s-email-format="HTML/PRE" s-email-
address="" b-email-label-fields="TRUE" s-date-
format="%d %b %Y" s-time-format="%H:%M" s-builtin-fields="REMOTE_NAME
REMOTE_USER HTTP_USER_AGENT Date Time" u-confirmation-url="thanks.htm"
startspan B-Email-Subject-From-Field="FALSE" S-Email-Subject="My
Feedback" --><input TYPE="hidden" NAME="VTI-GROUP" VALUE="0">
<!--webbot bot="SaveResults" endspan i-checksum="43374" -->
On the server,
action="--WEBBOT-SELF--" onSubmit="location.href='_derived/
nortbots.htm';return false;" language="JavaScript" webbot-
onSubmit="return FrontPage_Form1_Validator(this)">
gets automatically replaced by
action="--WEBBOT-SELF--" onSubmit="return
FrontPage_Form1_Validator(this)" language="JavaScript">
Your time in helping untangle this would be appreciated.