How to use Shell to open Picture Manager



I am very new to VBA. I have a form from which I want to display
scanned images of documents. When I allow the document to be opened
with the default Microsoft Paint or Picture and Fax Viewer the images
open much too large to be completely displayed on the screen. I've
been told that I need to 'shell out' to open and use the Microsoft
Picture Manager, but I have no idea how to accomplish this. Can
anyone please provide detailed information on how to 'shell out' to
the Picture Manager (installed in the default location for XP), or
maybe simplier, how to control default size of the displayed images in
Microsoft Paint, or Picture and Fax Viewer.

Tom Wickerath

Hi Duck,
I've been told that I need to 'shell out' to open and use the Microsoft
Picture Manager...

Not necessarily true. You can use an image control on a form in your Access
application, with the size mode set to Zoom. An example is shown on the
Employees form, on the Northwind sample database that shipped with Access
2002 and 2003. I have a sample ImageDemo database that you are welcome to
download. It is still a work-in-progress. Currently, it only runs in Access
2002 or later, due to it's reliance on a method that was introduced in Access
2002. When I find the time, I plan on changing that, but perhaps this sample
will work for you now.

I can try to look up the Shell method, if you still wish to pursue this
option, but not tonight. That will have to wait until later, unless someone
else wants to chime in with an answer.

Tom Wickerath
Microsoft Access MVP

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