I want to use the IF function to auto-populate a 4th cell (A4 , worksheet 1)
by using several Define Names (PARTNUM,PRICE, and SPECIAL) AND based on a YES
or NO selection from B2 on worksheet 2.
1) If cell A1 on worksheet 1 is not blank (I currently have A4, worksheet 1
program as follows =IF (A1<>"", LOOKUP(A1,PARTNUM,PRICE),"")
2) If cel B2 on worksheet 2 is <>"No" (I currently have A4, worksheet 1
program as follows =IF (A1<>"", LOOKUP(A1,PARTNUM,SPECIAL).
These 2 functions are working together, however, I have the problem that if
A1, worksheet 1 is blank then A4, worksheet 1 returns a "N/A". I need to use
the 2 logics above in addition to gettting rid of "N/A" when A1 is blank. I
have tried nesting the 2 logics above in addition to adding the "" at the end
of the logic but no luck. HELP please.
Your help is greatly appreciated it in advance
by using several Define Names (PARTNUM,PRICE, and SPECIAL) AND based on a YES
or NO selection from B2 on worksheet 2.
1) If cell A1 on worksheet 1 is not blank (I currently have A4, worksheet 1
program as follows =IF (A1<>"", LOOKUP(A1,PARTNUM,PRICE),"")
2) If cel B2 on worksheet 2 is <>"No" (I currently have A4, worksheet 1
program as follows =IF (A1<>"", LOOKUP(A1,PARTNUM,SPECIAL).
These 2 functions are working together, however, I have the problem that if
A1, worksheet 1 is blank then A4, worksheet 1 returns a "N/A". I need to use
the 2 logics above in addition to gettting rid of "N/A" when A1 is blank. I
have tried nesting the 2 logics above in addition to adding the "" at the end
of the logic but no luck. HELP please.
Your help is greatly appreciated it in advance