Hi All,
Suppose you create an open array (1 dimension) :
Dim arr() as String
Then functions like Ubound(arr) or Lbound(arr) will give an error on
the subscript...
With which function or method is it possible to know if the array arr
has got some dimensions or not ?
I want to know this because I want enlarge the array when I need it...
that's not diffcult with the combination 'Preserve Redim' but I have to
know the starting point...
If arr() has just been dimensioned and you want to add 3 elements then
you have to Redim arr(3),
But when arr() has already 5 elements you have to say Preserve Redim
One should expect you can check this dimension with Ubound or LBound...
but this isn't the case if the dimension is actualy not existing...
How, How ?
TXS for any help
Suppose you create an open array (1 dimension) :
Dim arr() as String
Then functions like Ubound(arr) or Lbound(arr) will give an error on
the subscript...
With which function or method is it possible to know if the array arr
has got some dimensions or not ?
I want to know this because I want enlarge the array when I need it...
that's not diffcult with the combination 'Preserve Redim' but I have to
know the starting point...
If arr() has just been dimensioned and you want to add 3 elements then
you have to Redim arr(3),
But when arr() has already 5 elements you have to say Preserve Redim
One should expect you can check this dimension with Ubound or LBound...
but this isn't the case if the dimension is actualy not existing...
How, How ?
TXS for any help