How to we reference a Iframe with Page ( server side if possible)



I use ASP and I need to know how to attaches an Iframe Id with its page so I
can load menu options ( eg. 1.htm, 2.htm, 3.htm, ect...) into the Iframe
from any given page on my website.
The problem is for me that I cannot use _top because I am not always on the
page that holds the Iframe in question ( page_iframe.htm ). that holds the
Iframe ( Iframe001). I can load any given page into the iframe only when I
am on ( page_frame.htm.)

Now what if I am on index.asp and I have a menu with sub options. I want
those sub options (eg, 1.htm, 2.htm, 3.htm..ect..) to load into Iframe001
which is located on ( page_frame.htm ) How do we do that?

Here is one idea but its client-side . Is there a better way to do it

--------------Client side code----------------------------
- From Menu -
<a href="mainpage.asp?ifp=subpage.asp">Click</a>

mainpage.asp -
ifpsrccode="document.getElementbyid.Iframe001.src='" & request("ifp") & "'"
<body onload="<%=ifpsrccode%>">
<iframe id=Iframe001 name=Iframe001></iframe>
--------------End of client side code----------------------

Thanks in advance for reading this post. :)


Kevin Spencer

Hi Paul,

Actually, that is a combination of client-side JavaScript and server-side
HTML. You could certainly avoid the JavaScript part by simply
dynamically-generating the iframe tag with server-side code. Example:

<iframe src="<%=Request.QueryString("ifp")%>"></iframe>


Kevin Spencer
Microsoft MVP
..Net Developer
The sun never sets on
the Kingdom of Heaven


HI! Thanks, I think I will try that :)


Kevin Spencer said:
Hi Paul,

Actually, that is a combination of client-side JavaScript and server-side
HTML. You could certainly avoid the JavaScript part by simply
dynamically-generating the iframe tag with server-side code. Example:

<iframe src="<%=Request.QueryString("ifp")%>"></iframe>


Kevin Spencer
Microsoft MVP
.Net Developer
The sun never sets on
the Kingdom of Heaven


HI! I am a little confused how to use it though?

I can see from the QueryString that it will request the ifp(var) from the
href ( which will be the subpage that the user has choosen).

Now do I put the Query string in place where the Iframe should go and remove
the following.

ifpsrccode="document.getElementbyid.Iframe001.src='" & request("ifp") & "'"
<body onload="<%=ifpsrccode%>">
<iframe id=Iframe001 name=Iframe001></iframe>



Hi! I got it now. thanks :)

Paul said:
HI! I am a little confused how to use it though?

I can see from the QueryString that it will request the ifp(var) from the
href ( which will be the subpage that the user has choosen).

Now do I put the Query string in place where the Iframe should go and
remove the following.

ifpsrccode="document.getElementbyid.Iframe001.src='" & request("ifp") &
<body onload="<%=ifpsrccode%>">
<iframe id=Iframe001 name=Iframe001></iframe>


Kevin Spencer

Sorry, Paul. I was away during the weekend.

Glad you got it solved!


Kevin Spencer
Microsoft MVP
..Net Developer
The sun never sets on
the Kingdom of Heaven

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