How to work with multiple Notebooks?



Thank you for all the previous tips and handy plug ins. Onenote is now
working great for organizing my dissertation notes. I've run into a problem
when moving the Notebook from my laptop to my desktop. I have a previous
Notebook that contains extensive notes for my comprehensives and other
projects that I don't want to lose, yet I have this new terrific Notebook
with my dissertation. How can they coexist on my desktop? Can I have two
Notebooks and use both of them or can I put them in two separate folders
(i.e. Dissertation/My Notebook, Comprehensives/My Notebook, and so on) and
have to load them separately? I don't see an import function, and when I try
to open a folder, it will not show the other Notebook folders. Your help
would be appreciated.


from what i understand terri, in your situation it's best to have one
notebook. What you can do to get all of your notes to your laptop is start a
shared session. This will automatically put the shared notes on your laptop.
Next thing to do is, share the notebook folder as a network drive, install
it as a network drive on your desktop (reconnect at login also). Set ON to
open the notebook from the network drive only, and you're set. Of course, in
this situation, you can only access your notebook if your laptop is on the
network.(in a wireless environment this should not be a problem... but its
all dependant of how your network is setup in your area (room/cube/office))


Erik Sojka (MVP)

OneNote only works with one root "My Notebook" folder. You can create
subfolders under that root folder for different purpose.

In Windows Explorer, navigate to your "My Notebook" folder (found by
default under "My Documents") and then create two folders
("Comprehensives" and "Dissertation") and then move all *.ONE files into
the appropriate subfolder. When you open up OneNote, this file structure
created in Explorer will then be shown in OneNote's note hierarchy.

If you're concerned about keeping data synchronized between your laptop
and desktop, see some of the other recent threads here on the topic, or
search for the term "Offline Files".

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