How to wrap words in Task Name, Text columns ?



I know there is an option to wrap word in the heading
fields of each column. Can someone please tell me how
can I wrap words in the Task Name and Text columns ? It
is because some of my tasks' name are long and unable to
see except I make the column width big enough to show it.

Thanks in advance for your assistance.

Mike Glen

Hi Wellie,

Welcome to this Microsoft Project newsgroup :)

Yes - just widen the rows (move the cursor to the boundary between rows
until you get an ud/down arrow, and then click and drag downwards). The
text must have a space in it to wrap.

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Hope this helps - please let us know how you get on :))

Mike Glen
MS Project MVP


If you have Project 2000 or later you can drag the row divider to
increase the row height of individual tasks. This will show the wrapped
text. Another method is to go to View/Tables/More Tables. The active
view table will be highlighted. Hit "edit". In the Table Definition
window that appears, change the row height setting in the lower right
corner. This setting will apply to all task rows but only for this view
table. You will need to do the same thing to other view tables as

Be aware that text wrap only applies to Project fields that contain
spaces in the text string. Therefore, the Predecessor and Successor
fields will not wrap.

Hope this helps.

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