How to write a function or macro to copy



Please help...

I need to know how to write a function or macro to copy the contents of cell
(A1) to cell (C1) and contents of a cell (B1)to the comments of cell (C1).

i.e. A1 copied to C1; B1 copied to the comments of C1

Thanks for your help

Gary's Student

Try this:

Sub temp()
Cells(1, 3).Value = Cells(1, 1).Value
Cells(1, 3).AddComment
Cells(1, 3).Comment.Text Text:=Cells(1, 2).Value
End Sub

Its pretty neat. You can insert or modify all cells in a range with this
kind of technique

Have a good day!


Thank you very much...

I have a dumb question: Does this need to be run as a macro or a function?

Thank you again for your help!


One more question, I need to run this accross several sheets in a workbook,
how would I do that?

Gary's Student

I prefer a macro rather than a function. A macro can change lots of things.
I don't know how to make a function change both the value and the comment.

If you put the code in a module rather than worksheet code, then it should
work in any worksheet you have active.

Update this post if your have anymore questions on this topic. Otherwise:

Have a good weekend


is there a way to take the results of a formula out of a workbook to another
location and still retain the formula in cells? Want the active workbook to
retain formulas or must they be reentered by vba code?
(e-mail address removed)

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