1. If you can recognize a well-written sentence when you hear it, read each
sentence out loud, then make changes based on what your ear tells you.
2. If you are having trouble with grammar issues, try "The Great Grammar
Challenge," a terrific book from EEI Press. This book is full of examples and
tests on real-world, business (and thus college) grammar issues.
3. If you are writing essays of a technical nature, try "Spring Into
Technical Writing for Engineers and Scientists," a book I have not read, but
it has good reviews. This book is also full of exercises which can help you
4. As mentioned by others, take a course. Or, find a tutor. Most
colleges/universities have a department that will help students with writing.
5. Finally (this is a Word forum after all) , you can try the Word grammar
checker for some very basic assistance -- but this checker has very limited