I have made a new Menu Bar named MainMnu,still without any sub command.First
i dont know how to add some customized sub menus (with my own assigned
names) for its menu items.
And second,how to write code for this sub menus.For example,it has a menu
named Accessories.
I want to add some sub items to this menu item such as Hyper
Terminal,Calculator,Phone Dialer and so on.and when for example the item
"Hyper Terminal" is clicked,using shell Function,open Windows Hyper
Terminal.How to do both of these works?Can anyone please help me?
Thank you so much in advance.
I have made a new Menu Bar named MainMnu,still without any sub command.First
i dont know how to add some customized sub menus (with my own assigned
names) for its menu items.
And second,how to write code for this sub menus.For example,it has a menu
named Accessories.
I want to add some sub items to this menu item such as Hyper
Terminal,Calculator,Phone Dialer and so on.and when for example the item
"Hyper Terminal" is clicked,using shell Function,open Windows Hyper
Terminal.How to do both of these works?Can anyone please help me?
Thank you so much in advance.