How to zero out non-contiguous ranges



I have a range name which involves about four non-contiguous blocks of
contiguous cells (say, cells a2 to a4, then a7 to a12, then a15 to a18, then
a30 to a35, right now, though I might later insert some rows in the middle,
so the range name's cells would adjust). I would like to just set all cells
in these blocks to zero with a macro in the easiest way possible. Actually,
easier yet, would be to set the whole range to zero from cells a2 to a35,
but have it skip any cells whose format is protected, whether or not
protection is actually on.

Can someone give me the code to do that?


Bill Renaud

So you have this range named something like "MyNamedRange" (having
previously used the Insert|Name|Define dialog box)?

Public Sub ClearMyNamedRange()
Dim rngCellsToClear As Range

Set rngCellsToClear = ActiveWorkbook _
.Names("MyNamedRange") _

rngCellsToClear.Formula = 0
End Sub

Or, use ThisWorkbook, or another qualifier, whatever is appropriate.


Yes, I did name the range. I am finally figuring out that, if my files
evolve and I have to later add rows, it is best to always use range names in
my macros, so that they will adjust.

I am a little confused why you make it a public sub, as well as what you
mean by qualifier. Does your approach mean that the macro would be seen by
any EXCEL file, and so would save me time if I wanted to do a similar thing
in another file? I will only use it on one worksheet (call it "output",
which I will first pre-select within the macro) and only within this one
workbook. I just want to put it in an existing garden variety module, I
think. Can you rewrite your set command with this more simply-specified

Lastly, did you forget the part that would skip over any cells in the,
changed-to-one-contiguous block that have protection in their formats,
whether or not the sheet is protected? BTW, I copied my original message
back below your response.

Thanks, Bill.

Bill Renaud said:
So you have this range named something like "MyNamedRange" (having
previously used the Insert|Name|Define dialog box)?

Public Sub ClearMyNamedRange()
Dim rngCellsToClear As Range

Set rngCellsToClear = ActiveWorkbook _
.Names("MyNamedRange") _

rngCellsToClear.Formula = 0
End Sub

Or, use ThisWorkbook, or another qualifier, whatever is appropriate.
I have a range name which involves about four non-contiguous blocks of
contiguous cells (say, cells a2 to a4, then a7 to a12, then a15 to a18, then
a30 to a35, right now, though I might later insert some rows in the middle,
so the range name's cells would adjust). I would like to just set all cells
in these blocks to zero with a macro in the easiest way possible. Actually,
easier yet, would be to set the whole range to zero from cells a2 to a35,
but have it skip any cells whose format is protected, whether or not
protection is actually on.

Can someone give me the code to do that?


Tom Ogilvy

for each cell in Range("A2:A35")
if cell.locked = False then
end if

Bill Renaud

Dean wrote:
<<I am a little confused why you make it a public sub, as well as what you
mean by qualifier. Does your approach mean that the macro would be seen by
any EXCEL file, and so would save me time if I wanted to do a similar thing
in another file?>>

Normally, you start up a macro by using a CommandBar button (in this case
named "Clear Named Range" or similar). If the routine were labeled Private,
it would not show up in any list box so that you could either assign it to
a CommandBar button or start it from the Tools|Macro|Macros dialog box. In
general, macros should be written so that they can be used with whatever
the currently active workbook is.

Dean wrote:
<<I will only use it on one worksheet (call it "output", which I will first
pre-select within the macro) and only within this one workbook. I just
want to put it in an existing garden variety module, I think. Can you
rewrite your set command with this more simply-specified range?>>

Assuming that your named range is global to the entire workbook (they
usually are, unless you declared it like "output!MyNamedRange"), then the
code below can be put in a standard code module, and will work regardless
of what worksheet is active at the time the macro is called (the beauty of
named ranges!). Notice the change of ActiveWorkbook to ThisWorkbook. This
part "qualifies" the next part of the statement, which is the
..Names("MyNamedRange") part. If you had 2 workbooks of this same type open,
the macro would not know which workbook you wanted to clear the cells on.
This is why it is good programming practice to always clearly specify
exactly where you want the macro to operate. ActiveWorkbook means the
workbook that is currently active (the one you see on top of all other open
workbooks). ThisWorkbook means the workbook that the macro is located in
(which might be a workbook in the background).

Public Sub ClearMyNamedRange()
Dim rngCellsToClear As Range

Set rngCellsToClear = ThisWorkbook _
.Names("MyNamedRange") _

rngCellsToClear.Formula = 0
End Sub

Dean wrote:
<<Lastly, did you forget the part that would skip over any cells in the,
changed-to-one-contiguous block that have protection in their formats,
whether or not the sheet is protected?>>

The macro above only changes any cells that are in the named range, so it
will automatically skip any cells that are not specifically named in the
Defined Name. There should be no need to worry about unprotecting and then
reprotecting the worksheet, unless you have some of the cells in the named
range protected. Normally, you don't protect cells where the user is
supposed to make changes. You only protect cells that contain formulas,
because you don't want the logic of the worksheet to be changed.

Hope these explanations help.


Thank you Bill, and Tom. Though I can see the value for some operations,
right now, I am not all that comfortable sharing macros across workbooks. I
am confident that I will make sure I am in the correct workbook when I use

From the posts of the two of you, I have taken indecent liberty and created
the following macro. It is producing a variable not defined error, with the
prematurely terminated macro highlighting the word "cell" in the command
"For Each cell" line. Obviously, I am leaving out, or doing, something
stupid. I think the part I refer to as "second part" below is OK.
Hopefully, the only error is this one thing.

Help, please!

Sub Hide_AandD_Rows()
'first part is to set the percents to zero

Dim rngCellsToClear As Range 'from BR on 09-25-07

Set rngCellsToClear =

For Each cell In Range(rngCellsToClear) 'this part from TO on 09-25-07
If cell.Locked = False Then
End If

'second part is to, then, hide the rows that would show in the main section

Selection.EntireRow.Hidden = True
ActiveWindow.ScrollWorkbookTabs Position:=xlFirst
Sheets("Beginning Balances").Select

End Sub

Bill Renaud

Hi Dean,

Yes, the problems with mixing code from 2 different authors! Tom did not
declare his variables, and I always use "Option Explicit" at the top of my
code modules, so that is what is producing the "variable not defined
error". The variable "cell" was from his code, which was not defined in my

Try this version for the Clear routine. It sets the value of the unlocked
cells to zero, rather than clearing each cell. Using ClearContents clears
the cell of all formulas and values, so it will be blank just like a new

Public Sub ClearAandDLoanDrawPercents()
Dim rngCellsToClear As Range
Dim rngCell As Range

Set rngCellsToClear = ThisWorkbook _
.Names("AandDLoanDrawPercents") _

For Each rngCell In rngCellsToClear
With rngCell
If Not .Locked Then .Value = 0
End With
Next rngCell
End Sub

I think "Hide_AandD_Rows" should be a separate routine. I don't quite
understand that part yet.


Yes, I took Tom's out of context. The point of the subroutine is to hide
some rows but, first, to make sure all their inputs are zero. That's why I
have them together. I would never do the 2nd without the first. I know
you experts think this is bad technique! Sorry.

One other thing, while I'm here. This is a question about EXCEL, not
macros. Seemingly all of a sudden (though probably not), I am noticing that
most of my inputs that are zero are showing as blank which, often, I'd
rather not be the case - I'd like to see the zero, or 0%. I checked the
usual suspects, such as conditional formatting, white fonts,
protection-hidden but none were the cause. It seems that this is simply the
default of some of EXCEL's common formats, such as integer and percent.
Somehow, I don't remember such being the case, but I am probably just losing
it! Though I know I can use custom formats, I don't like to deal with them
any more than necessary and so I ask: If what I suggested above is true, is
there a way to change EXCEL's simple formats, the kind that have those
clickable buttons?

Macro works nice now.


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