How track the original master's document from the shape



Hi. I have a little question this time, but I can't solve it.

here is the code I use when I want to create a new shape with masters from
others files.

"Document stencil =
Master masterObj = stencil.Masters.get_ItemU(GraphShapeID.ToString());
Page targetPage = (Page)drawingControl.Window.PageAsObj;
Shape shapeObj = targetPage.Drop(masterObj, this.shapePos.initialLocationX,

I have different stencil files. I am using the Visio object(drawingControl)
"ShapeAdded" event. this method has a parameter pointing at the new shape.

"private void drawingControl_ShapeAdded(object sender,
AxMicrosoft.Office.Interop.VisOcx.EVisOcx_ShapeAddedEvent e)

my problem is that I need to know which stencil file the user used to obtain
the new shape and I can't find the file which the original master belongs to
from the shape variable in the event.

I am hoping you can point me at the right direction.

thanks for your time.


Master property might give master name. Idon't know how I can know
where it comes from other than writing the fullname in user defined cell.


hi JuneTheSecond

you mean that I must create a custome cell with that contains the file name
so I could find out the original stencil file?

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