how update assigned units work automatically for a task?




I have a task with 3 assigned resources and I use this task with a fixed work type (I don'
want the total work to change). At the beginning I have my 3 resources full (100%) and th
task duration is 3 months for a total work of 1836 hrs. I turn one assigned resource to 50
and the result duration is 6 months!!! Actually I'd want the work of my other assigned resource
to be updated too in order to get a shorter duration for my task (between 3 and 4 months a
my other 2 assigned ressources go on working...). I don't know how to get it.

Rod Gill

The duration doubled because the resource that went from 100% to 50%
requires twice as much time to get their work done. The other two resources
are still scheduled to finish in 3 months.

Select Windows, Split
Select the bottom half and select Format, Details, Resource Schedule

Now you will see the start and finish of each assignment. Share work around
to get the optimum result or:

Make sure the Effort Driven flag is ON
show the Assign Resources dialog and select the task in the top half of the
screen. Remove the 50% resource.
Assign the 50% resource again at 50%

Now the duration should be as short as it can be with all resources
finishing at the same time.

For VBA posts, please use the public.project.developer group.
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Rod Gill
Project MVP
For Microsoft Project companion projects, best practices and Project VBA
development services
Mark said:

I have a task with 3 assigned resources and I use this task with a fixed work type (I don't
want the total work to change). At the beginning I have my 3 resources full (100%) and the
task duration is 3 months for a total work of 1836 hrs. I turn one assigned resource to 50%
and the result duration is 6 months!!! Actually I'd want the work of my other assigned resources
to be updated too in order to get a shorter duration for my task (between 3 and 4 months as
my other 2 assigned ressources go on working...). I don't know how to get

Mike Glen

Hi Mark,

Welcome to this Microsoft Project newsgroup :)

Also, you might like to have a look at my series of Microsoft Project
lessons in the TechTrax ezine, particularly Lesson 11 - Task Types at this
site: (Perhaps you'd care to rate it before
leaving the site, :) Thanks.)

FAQs, companion products and other useful Project information can be seen at
this web address: <>

Hope this helps - please let us know how you get on :)

Mike Glen
MS Project MVP


Thank you very much for your answer. Deleting my 50% resource and assigning agai
my resource at 50% works : I obtain a 3.6 months optimized duration for my task. It woul
have been nicer that project gives an option to do it automatically..



Thank you for that help, I had already had a look on your lesson 11 before asking my question
but I haven't found any answer to my problem... Any way it is a clear lesson.


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