How we make effect users information in Enterprise resource to particular project



We edit Enterprise Resource Pool(for e.g enter Standard Rate, Overtime
Rate,... for users in our resource).

How we make these number effect to these users on our projects (we have
many projects and these users are assigned to these projects).



Dale Howard [MVP]

Thanhcan --

When you enter cost rates in the Enterprise Resource Pool, doing so affects
the cost of every project in which you assigned those resources. Hope this

Jonathan Sofer - MCP

As long as those resources on all your projects were added to the project
team using the Build Team from Enterprise then the new cost data will show
as propagated through to the projects the next time you log in.

If you are using local resources then it will not.


Thank you!

It's ok to me now, but there onething like:

For example: First we edit Standard Rate for User a is 5.0/h and we
assign him to Project A.

And then we change his Standard Rate to 6.0/h.

How we make this rate effect to Project A, (and ofcource we want to
change like this for many users in this Project).



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