How would I Tackle this?



hey group,

Hope Somebody could possibly help?

I have a Table:

FaxID(Primary Key), Serial, Make, Model, Department(Lookup Table),
Site(Lookup Table).

I would like to be able to have another table of Meter Reading. Our meter
reading is taken as intervals no of which wich have a pattern, some may be
taken every month others may be taken every 3, some others every 6.

How would i Tackle this little problem?

Any Help would be much appriciated.

Many Thanks


If the frequency of meter reading varies per FaxID/contract, I'd just add a
Frequency column (Number - Byte) to your Fax table, and a new MeterReading
table with FaxID, DateRead (DateTime), and Reading (Number - Long) columns,
with FaxID and DateRead together as Primary, or a new MeterReadingID
autonumber column as primary, if you require single-column primary keys.

If the frequency of reading is based on some other relationship (contract
type? credit rating?), you may need a separate table for frequency.

Van T. Dinh

Use a Table tblReading with at least 3 Fields:

frg_FaxID ForeignKey from the tblFax
ReadingDate Date/Time
ReadingVal Long

You can use the pair frg_FaxID + ReadingDate as PK. However, I personally
prefer to use the surrogate key ReadingID.

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