How would I take notes on top of a PDF file?


Erik Sojka

Are you talking within OneNote or while you're using Acrobat Viewer?
Remember that the Ink features of a Tablet PC and Office OneNote are separate

If the former, and you've found a third party method of inserting the PDF as
a picture into your page in OneNote, you can right-click on the picture, and
select "Set Picture as background". Then you should be able to write notes
on top of the image.

If the latter, you may need to check with Adobe to see fi they support the
Tablet PC and Ink data entry in their products. Microsoft would have no
control over how/if/when another software company supports Microsoft


Even if I could take notes directly on the pdf, I would want to import the
pdf into onenote to take advantage of all of the features - organizational,
annotating, etc. But... I currenlty lose the text and can't search the text
of the pdf once it is in onenote (since it is now a picture). If OneNote had
some kind of an OCR mechanism or could just import pdf's WITH the text that
would be amazing! Please, someone, anyone, do it! Maybe if I write Santa...


I couldn't agree more! I would love to be able to SEARCH any file I import
into OneNote using that awesome utility at I use it all
the time to import and take notes on PDF files, but I can't search the text,
which kind of defeats the purpose.

Grant Robertson

I couldn't agree more! I would love to be able to SEARCH any file I import
into OneNote using that awesome utility at I use it all
the time to import and take notes on PDF files, but I can't search the text,
which kind of defeats the purpose.

There are utilities available that will convert a .PDF into a Word
document. Then you could use Word 2003 to add ink annotations to the
document. I don't try to keep ALL of my reference material in OneNote
itself. I use OneNote to keep track of MY notes on things and little
snippets of text that I gather up from various sources (including these
newsgroups). When I have entire documents to store I save them in a
parallel folder structure under a 'Reference' folder in the root of my D:
drive. Then I use the ClipName tool I mention frequently to paste a link
to the file in OneNote. Often I will also put a shortcut to the relevent
OneNote section in the appropriate subfolder under my 'Reference' folder
so I can quickly jump from source of reference material to the other.
It's kind of like the difference between putting books on a shelf and
torn out magazine articles in a file folder. My 'Reference' folder is my
book shelf and OneNote is my file folders.

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