TotalTime is a DateTime field that contains only a time component.
Sum(CDbl(Nz([TotalTime],0)) should give you a number that represents the
days and partial days (hours and minutes)
Then you should be able to convert that to hours and minutes using some
CInt(Sum(CDbl(Nz([TotalTime],0))*24) & ":" &
Format((Sum(CDbl(Nz([TotalTime],0))*60) Mod 60,"00")
The problem results from storing a duration of time in a field that is meant
to contain a point in time.
I worked 8 hours and 15 minutes is a duration, I worked from 8:15AM is a
point in time.
The first is better stored as 495 (8*60 +15) minutes.
Access stores points in time in a DateTime field using a floating point
number that represents the value as on offset from midnight of Dec 30, 1899.
The integer portion represents the number of days and the portion after the
decimal point represents the time as a fraction of the day.
John Spencer
Access MVP 2002-2005, 2007
Center for Health Program Development and Management
University of Maryland Baltimore County
Roby said:
I am looking to sum one text box containing hh:mm in a continuios report to
be calculated in the report footer. Here is the formula I have used that
not work.
=Sum("n", [TotalTime])\60