There are a couple things you can do.
In Apple's System Preferences click the Universal Access icon. Then
click "Turn Zoom On." The panel shows keyboard shortcuts you can use.
Wow! Command option + does the trick once the mini-maxi zoom options are
The only downside is that it's a bit like takeoff with a jet on a very short
runway: a bit of a funny feeling as it swoops up. And until you turn it
off, it feels a bit strange when you move your cursor over something. But it
works! And command option - reduces the zoom and ultimately returns print
to normal.
Thanks very much, Jim.
A more complicated solution is to print the help topics as PDF files and
open them in Acrobat Reader or Preview and use the zoom feature in those
I like that for Help topics that I might wish to return to frequently. It's
only a bit more more complicated but gives you precise control with one
click over the amount of increase of the zoom (without the woozy sensation).
Thanks so very much, Jim. I can stop squinting now when I use Office Help.
Respectfully, Norm