How2 get Outlook Express error msg box to stay displayed longer



My OutLook Express error message box flashes very quickly then dissapears.
On the OutLook Express error message box, in the corner, is either a
Thumbtack or a Post-it or some other symbol. One means have the msg displayed
until I shoo it away. One means flash quickly but then go away (even if there
was an error). It accidentally got toggled to flash. It flashes way too fast
to be able to click it to toggle back to stay and show me the error msg. (it
is also having a problem sending so I really need to read it).
Is there a way to use the upper menus to change that box setting?
Is there some other way to toggle it back ?
[It's an Outlook Express 6 on an XP]

Brian Tillman [MVP - Outlook]

My OutLook Express error message box flashes very quickly then dissapears.

Outlook and Outlook Express are not the same thing. The former, covered in
this newsgroup, is part of Office. The latter, covered in
microsoft.public.outlookexpress.general, is part of Windows or Internet
Explorer. Ask in the correct newsgroup.


I'm interested to know if this is possible within Outlook 2007
Is there a way to make the "Out of Office" message stay longer when
returning back to work - it is very easy to miss and making it stay longer
increases the likelyhood users will actually notice it.


Diane Poremsky [MVP]

No, its not possible.

Al said:
I'm interested to know if this is possible within Outlook 2007
Is there a way to make the "Out of Office" message stay longer when
returning back to work - it is very easy to miss and making it stay longer
increases the likelyhood users will actually notice it.


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