Howto override Word menu commands



If we create a macro named FileOpen it will overide WORD
default behavior.
How can I overide any other command (e.g. I tried
InsertComment but with no success)


Hi Dani,

Tools > Customize...
In the left pane, select "Insert" then look for the appropriate command in
the right pane and note its name.

I think it is "InsertNewComment", but I would not even bet 2 cents on that!
Anyway, it is fairly easy to find once you know where to look!


Mark Tangard

Dani & Jean-Guy,

It's worse than that: It's "InsertAnnotation." An artifact from
an earlier time, perhaps.

Another way to get at the list of commands, which can help when
you're not at all sure which menu category to look under in the
Customize dialog, is to open the Macro dialog instead (Tools->
Macros-> Macro), and change the 'Macros In' dropdown to read
'Word Commands.'

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