HowTo save Access report as Excel 97-2002 file using VBA


Twan Kennis

It seems to be impossible to save an Access report to the Excel 97-2002
format using VBA without user-interaction.

I tried several Formatting-parameter-values:
DoCmd.OutputTo(acReport, ..., acFormatXLS, ...)
DoCmd.OutputTo(acReport, ..., "Microsoft Excel 97-10 (*.xls)", ...)
DoCmd.OutputTo(acReport, ..., "Microsoft Excel 97-2002 (*.xls)",

but all result in the same old/standard Excel format, instead of the new
Excel format.

Only a blanc formatting-parameter within the VBA-command
DoCmd.OutputTo(acReport, ..., "", ...)

does show a picklist with export-formats from which the user can select
the new Excel-format with results into a succesful Excel file.

Does somebody know the "magic" parameter-value to save an Access report
to the Excel 97-2002 without user-interaction?

Thanx in advance.

Twan Kennis
SKB Vragenlijst Services, The Netherlands

Douglas J. Steele

What about using TransferSpreadsheet instead of OutputTo?
TransferSpreadsheet has a parameter acSpreadsheetTypeExcel97 (which equals
8) that should do what you're looking for.

Twan Kennis

Thank you for your answer.

According to the Help-file TransferSpreadsheet exports an Access Table
instead of an Access Report.
Anyway, I tried but got an error which refers to an unknown table
"rpt..." (and I do need the lay-out as well).

I find out, I'm not anlone with this problem:
But he answer is still unknown.

B.t.w. already got a half-way workaround by excuting the "Analyze It
with Microsoft Excel"-command (Id: 566).
But this really starts Excel and needs a Save-command to the needed

Thanx anyway for your help.

Twan Kennis
SKB Vragenlijst Services, The Netherlands

Twan Kennis

For those who wanna know the solution....

Create a new Registry Key:

"MyOwnFormat"="xls,SOA_RptToBIFF, Biff8,Microsoft Excel Biff8

In Access output your Report with your own formatting:

DoCmd.OutputTo(acReport, <ReportName>, "MyOwnFormat", <Output File
Name>, False)

That's all.

Twan Kennis
SKB Vragenlijst Services, The Netherlands

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