HowTo Trigger A Macro


Ole Weigelt

Hi Everybody,

I have the following problem:

I have an application which works in word through macros and DLLs. The
application is proprietary, therefore the macros are hidden and

The application does the following:

1. open a new document based on a .dot
2. Go to a certain bookmark
3. Insert a certain .doc
4. Update Fields that are bond to a

Ole Weigelt

Sorry, fired it too early. Here is how it should look:

Hi Everybody,

I have the following problem:

I have an application which works in word through macros and DLLs. The
application is proprietary, therefore the macros are hidden and

The application does the following:

1. open a new document based on a .dot
2. Go to a certain bookmark
3. Insert a certain .doc
4. Update Fields that are bound to a database
5. Save the new document.

I need the DB fields. So, I will have to call my macro somewhere between 4
and 5. Does anybody know an event that I can use to call my macro? If so,
can yo give me the syntax?

Thanks so much for your time.


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