Howto: using change text fields (text boxes) data ???


Locke Nash Cole

I'm new to infopath and unable to find the exact correct method to change
text in a field on an infopath form. Can anyone help?

Using VS 2003 and the Inforpath Visual Studio Tools.


S.Y.M. Wong-A-Ton

First you need to get to the correct node pertaining to the InfoPath field
using an XPath expression, and then set the "text" property on this node.
Something like

thisXDocument.DOM.selectSingleNode("//my:fieldToSet").text = "myValue"


The best solution is to use the functions in the common.js file
included with the samples you get with the Visual Studio Tools. There
is a function in that file called setNodeValue() which should handle
what you need to do.

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