HTML code being stripped when saving file or switching tabs



Recently FrontPage has started stripping out code and I'm not sure why.
This is html code that was originally created with FrontPage and now when I
try to edit these files, I'm losing a bunch of code. Here is the original

<base target="_blank">


<p align="center"><map name="FPMap0">
<area href="This is a test.htm" target="top1" shape="rect" coords="464, 40,
536, 60">
<area href="This is a test.htm" shape="rect" coords="536, 37, 631, 60"
<area href="This is a test.htm"

coords="428, 296, 747, 361" shape="rect">
<area href="This is a test.htm"

coords="446, 310, 618, 341" shape="rect">
<area href="This is a test.htm"

coords="488, 439, 615, 458" shape="rect">
<area href="This is a test.htm"

shape="rect" coords="546, 492, 747, 518">
<area href="This is a test.htm"

shape="rect" coords="631, 531, 748, 555">
</map><img border="0" src="This is a test.jpg" usemap="This is a
test2.htm#FPMap0" width="790" height="746"></p>


If I paste this code to the HTM tab of a new page, and then switch to normal
and back to HTML, here is what is left.

<base target="_blank">


<p align="center"><img border="0" src="This is a test.jpg" usemap="This is a
test2.htm#FPMap0" width="790" height="746"></p>


Does anyone know why this is happening? Even if I don't switch between the
tabs, the code is still stripped when I save the file.

Any ideas?



Ok, I seem to have found the problem.

<img border="0" src="This is a test.jpg" usemap="This is a test2.htm#FPMap0"
width="790" height="746"></p>

Somehow a htm filename was attached to the usemap id. I have several files
this has happened to. I found that if I remove "This is a test2.htm" from
the above line, the code no longer get stripped out.


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