HTML Code Frag doesn't work



I have created a website on Publisher 2003. On my "Contact Us" page,, I have three items of concern. First, I have a form
for questions/responses, a PayPal "Add to Cart" button and a PayPal "View
Cart" button. The email form works great! The "View Cart" button works
great! However, the "Add to Cart" button generates a email using the setup
from the form. I cannot figure this out. They are in separate HTML Code
Fragment boxes (the two buttons), the form was created using a textbox and
the form controls, they are not overlapping or anything. Please help!!!!!


Not too many of us have experience using paypal, so perhaps look to paypal
for better instructions, or study the code provided to you by paypal for an

Also here is a link to a site built with Publisher that uses paypal:
Perhaps you can study the source code of this page to see how the paypal
code is written and integrated, and find a solution for your site that way.

And by the way, you really need to compress your graphics before you upload
again. Your pages are verrrrry slow loading.

Reference: Compress graphics file sizes to create smaller Publisher Web
pages (2003):


Mike Koewler


You need to copy/paste the code PP provides for your Add to Cart button.


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