HTML Code Fragment / Irregular Spacing



I have HTML Code Fragments on three of my web pages.

On two of the pages I have irregular spacing with the navigation buttons on
the left of the screen. The navigation buttons are on the same level as the
HTML code fragment, but not overlapping.

However, on the third page the HTML code fragment does not cause irregular
spacing with the buttons.

The two problem pages are:

The correct page is:

Although this does not cause a major problem in the site, I would prefer the
pages to look the same if there is an easy way around it.

Any suggestions welcome.
Thanks, Laura.

Mike Koewler


I don't know what is causing the spacing problem, but I know your page
is to wide to view on my monitor without scroll bars showing, and I'm at
1028 x 768 resolution. You really ought to consider making it smaller.




I have found that for some reason when you insert html code fragments, they
can shift or cause shifting of text boxes and such. For example if I insert
one beside two text boxes it can increase the space between the two text
boxes, while if I move the code fragment box up, or down so that it doesn't
parallel the gap between the text boxes it doesn't. I have also experienced
the same thing you are with the code fragment boxes shifting themselves.

The only workarounds that I have found are to sometimes make the code
fragments slightly larger, move the code fragments slightly, move the text
boxes beside the code fragments, etc. In other words, through trial and
error, I keep shifting the different design components around until I get
the results I want in a web page preview.

For example your two problem pages have forms directly to the right of your
shifting navbar buttons, but your good page doesn't...or at least the form
is to the right, but below the navbar buttons. Try pulling the forms on your
problem pages down the page so that they appear to the right, but below the
last navbar button, and see what happens. Look at your and notice that the two text boxes
below your navbar buttons are also separated vs. your page that works ok.

Perhaps if you took Mike's advice, which I agree with, and reduce the size
of your page to the 760 pixel wide default size, or no bigger than 800
pixels, and then use more narrow text boxes in the body of the page, above
the forms, and thus more naturally moved them down the page, you will get
pages that look and work better.

To compensate for all that "white space" you probably observed when you used
a more narrow page width, read: Understanding background padding in a
Publisher web (aka white space):



I would just like to say 'Thank You' to both David & Mike for your replys. I
have already managed to sort out one of my pages by resizing and moving the
HTML Code Fragment through trial and error.
Your ideas were very much appreciated.
Regards, Laura.


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