HTML Email with pictures downloaded from web?



I am trying to design a web newsletter in Publisher and in order to keep the
size down, want the graphics to be downloaded from our website. I cannot seem
to figure out how to do this in Publisher.

Any help would be appreciated!




This might work...

First back up your newsletter file, then convert a copy of the file to a Web
Publication (File > Convert to a web Publication). Then Insert > HTML Code
Fragment. Insert a code fragment that links to where you have the image on
your website:

This assumes that you have an image called yourimage.gif stored in a folder
on your site called 'images'.

Then resize your code fragment box to the size of the image and move it to
where you want the image to appear. One way I do that is to insert the
original image into the document, then move the code fragment so it Snaps To
the image, I then drag the width and length of the code fragment box until
it Snaps To the size of the image, top and sides. When you are done, delete
the image that you inserted, and move the code fragment box to where you
want it to appear in the document.

You will probably have to do some adjusting, so email it to yourself a few
times until you are satisfied with how it looks. You may find that you can't
use a master page, tabs, word wrap and several other paragraph formatting
options that you use in a print document.



Thanks David!

Worked fine.

One other question, my email is in the neighbourhood of 350k. I figured a
lot of this was due to my imbedded pictures, thus my original post. After
removing all graphics, I only ended up saving about 50k. Any thoughts on
what's bloating it, or does just the formatting, etc., in publisher do this?




Good, glad to hear it worked.

Whew! That does seem really high, even for Pub 2003. I just did a quick
test, chose the accent box newsletter template, and sent it to myself, and
it was 55 kb. I am not sure why yours is so large, but here is a guess.

Check Tools > Options > Web. Every box on the template is unticked except
for Organize supporting files in a folder. Especially untick the last option
'Send entire publication as a single JPG...". This increased my email size
to 186 kb.

Also run the design checker, to see if that flags anything. Check for
overlapping elements that could be converted into images, which would
increase file size. When you get the newsletter after emailing to yourself,
can you select the text and copy? If not, it has been converted to an image.

Please post back with any solutions you come up with.


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