HTML Import


Erik Sojka

I don't know of a comprehensive list, but most formatting tags are
retained. Is there something in particular you're looking to do?

Daniel Danilin

I want to import html page that I exported in PowerPoint. For example, does
position styls are supported?
It looks like only <span> styles are supported. <div> styles are not. Is it

Daniel Danilin

<img> are not imported too :(

Daniel Danilin said:
I want to import html page that I exported in PowerPoint. For example, does
position styls are supported?
It looks like only <span> styles are supported. <div> styles are not. Is
it right?

Kathy J

The problem here isn't OneNote, it's PPT's very strange HTML, etc. What's
happening in your case is that the two don't understand each other's HTML or
MHTL because of differences in the expected uses of the code. That said...

What's the end goal? If it is to get PPT material into OneNote, there is a
much easier way: PPT2One, a utility from Jeff Borlik:

If you are trying to do something else, let us know and we'll take a crack
at finding a better way to get there.
Kathryn Jacobs, Microsoft MVP PowerPoint and OneNote
Co-Author of Life on OneNote - Coming Dec 2004 from Holy Macro! Books
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I believe life is meant to be lived. But:
if we live without making a difference, it makes no difference that we lived

Daniel Danilin

PP2One can't do what I need.
1. I need each PPT page on separate OneNote page. (this is not a big
2. Text from PPT should be formated and positioned as in PPT. And not as in
PP2One left from the picture

I have reached that text is formated and positioned like in PPT.
But I can't get lines and pictures to be in proper size. They are eather too
big or too small.
And have wrong position.

The best solution could be to export slides in HTMLv3 (with <Table>) and
import this html dokument in OneNote.
But this doesn't work eather.

Any ideas? :)

Daniel Danilin

It there a method to export shape from PP so it can be imported in normal
size in OneNote?

Kathy J

Not that I have found yet. I cheat - I take a screen shot with SnagIt, save
it, and then insert the saved copy. It may still change size, but not as
much. (SnagIt lets you save to a file and the clipboard, so if one doesn't
work the other usually will.)

Kathryn Jacobs, Microsoft MVP PowerPoint and OneNote
Co-Author of Life on OneNote - Coming Dec 2004 from Holy Macro! Books
Get OneNote answers at
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I believe life is meant to be lived. But:
if we live without making a difference, it makes no difference that we lived

Daniel Danilin

Sorry, but I wan't to do this in code, not manual.

If I save the shape in PP with Export function it doesn't matter how big
scaleWidth and scaleHeight are, after import in OneNote picture size is
always same. But if Photoshop shows me every time other picture size.
Why OneNote imports pictures only with one size?

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