I use the following function to glean information from web pages, it was working great until the need developed to pull information from a table. The question is how to pull the information from the tabel into an Excel worksheet
Private Function GetRank(strPage, strPrePat, strPostPat As String) As Strin
Dim iStart, iEnd As Intege
Dim strIn, strOut As Strin
GetRank = "
iStart = InStr(1, strPage, strPrePat) ' find first patter
If iStart <> 0 The
iStart = iStart + Len(strPrePat
iEnd = InStr(iStart, strPage, strPostPat) ' secon
If iEnd <> 0 The
strIn = Mid(strPage, iStart, iEnd - iStart
strOut = "
For iStart = 1 To Len(strIn) ' strip out control char
If Mid(strIn, iStart, 1) < " " The
strOut = strOut & " " ' add a blank instea
strOut = strOut & Mid(strIn, iStart, 1
strOut = StrConv(strOut, vbProperCase
End I
Next iStar
GetRank = Trim(strOut) ' return extracted valu
End I
End I
End Functio
Private Function GetRank(strPage, strPrePat, strPostPat As String) As Strin
Dim iStart, iEnd As Intege
Dim strIn, strOut As Strin
GetRank = "
iStart = InStr(1, strPage, strPrePat) ' find first patter
If iStart <> 0 The
iStart = iStart + Len(strPrePat
iEnd = InStr(iStart, strPage, strPostPat) ' secon
If iEnd <> 0 The
strIn = Mid(strPage, iStart, iEnd - iStart
strOut = "
For iStart = 1 To Len(strIn) ' strip out control char
If Mid(strIn, iStart, 1) < " " The
strOut = strOut & " " ' add a blank instea
strOut = strOut & Mid(strIn, iStart, 1
strOut = StrConv(strOut, vbProperCase
End I
Next iStar
GetRank = Trim(strOut) ' return extracted valu
End I
End I
End Functio