HTTP Server Set up in WIndown XP




I want to set up HTTP web server in my Windows XP PC and also I want
to perform diffrent HTTP operations like GET/PUT/POST/DELETE through

I have used Apache Tomcat, Windows IIS service and HFS.exe utility. I
was able to set up the server and were able to access that server
using Internet Explorer. But when I am trying to accee the same server
from my Mobile either using GPRS or GSM or UART I am facing problem. I
am getting standard HTTP errors like "Forbiddden", "Page Not Found"
etc. Sometime while an attempt is made to GET a web page that I have
created, I am getting "OK" response, but the content of the page is
not being displayed.

Can anyone please help me in this matter? Is there any other utility
which I can use for the same purpose?

Thomas A. Rowe

Suggest your post this to a Windows newsgroup.

Thomas A. Rowe
Microsoft MVP - FrontPage

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