Huge Spreadsheet



I have inherited a HUGE spreadsheet that consists of 15 columns, and over
5000 records.

It is a list of employee reviews.

The Column Headings are: Employee name, Review date, Rating, comments, etc.
So one employee would have several "records" or rows, one for each review.
I would like to pull over records based on certain criteria, such as employee
name, date, etc.

Is this an application for ACCESS?


Hasan Kocaman

Jeff said:
I have inherited a HUGE spreadsheet that consists of 15 columns, and over
5000 records.

It is a list of employee reviews.

The Column Headings are: Employee name, Review date, Rating, comments,
So one employee would have several "records" or rows, one for each review.
I would like to pull over records based on certain criteria, such as
name, date, etc.

Is this an application for ACCESS?



Jeff said:
I have inherited a HUGE spreadsheet that consists of 15 columns, and over
5000 records.

It is a list of employee reviews.

The Column Headings are: Employee name, Review date, Rating, comments,
So one employee would have several "records" or rows, one for each review.
I would like to pull over records based on certain criteria, such as
name, date, etc.

Is this an application for ACCESS?


To add a bit to previous answers, a simple design could be sufficient, given
what you've provided.
Consider an Employee table, with columns for data related to the employee
(including a unique identifier, or primary key, for each employee, such as
an employee number). A second table, Ratings, would have columns for data
for each rating and include a foreign key column to associate each rating
with an employee.

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