Hyperlink and text change



I purchased a template for my website. I am trying to link the page. I did so
as the manual says and its not working. I also need to know how to change the
text in the hyperlink box that is already on the template. I have tried the
technical support for the website I purchased the template from and have
gotten no where. Please help! Thanks!

Corey Bryant

Source code / URL would help. Chances are the font information is in a style
sheet - so it would help us also to know if you understand CSS some.


No I dont know much about CSS. I opened the "index" page of the template.
This is the front page. I opened another "index" page and renamed it so now
have 2 pages. On the first "index" page there are gold boxes where you would
click to go to another page. They are hyperlinked but there are no text.

P@tty Ayers

You'll need to post a link to the page. There's no way to guess what's going
on otherwise - we have no idea what these templates are like. Why have you
gotten nowhere with tech support - are they not helping, or do you not
understand their help?

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