Hyperlink doesn't load every other time



The first time I click on a web hyperlink in Word I get an error
message, e.g.:

"Unable to open http://www.google.com/. Cannot download the
information you requested."

When I click on it a second time, it loads fine. Third time, error
message. Fourth time fine. ET cetera.

The field code for the above example is { HYPERLINK "http://
www.google.com" }.

How do I fix this? Is it just my system, or will the problem follow
the document when other users open it too?

Thanks in advance!


Word X for Mac Service Release 1
OS X 10.3.9


How do I fix this? Is it just my system, or will the problem follow
the document when other users open it too?

Is it just this hyperlink, or others too?

I'm wondering if you have a similar problem to what I've got at work,
where "the internet" in general sometimes loads fine, and sometimes
fails to load (the page listing Adobe Acrobat downloads being a
particularly extreme example). A refresh is usually sufficient.

Unfortunately, I don't know anything about the ins and outs of how all
this Internet stuff works, so will leave it there for others to
interject as appropriate.


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