hyperlink failure to html file


J Buchanan

I am using PowerPoint:mac 2001.

I am not having any luck creating a hyperlink between a
powerpoint slide and an html file located on my mac
laptop. Once the link has been created
(insert/hyperlink/html file select) and slide show
launched, PowerPoint tries to open the html file creator
(Dreamweaver) rather than opening the html file.

This *same procedure* works without a flaw in Windows.
Any help will be greatly appreciated.

Jim Buchanan

Thanks for the reference link, Steve, I'll post there as

Re the html selection, here is what I do.

1. Highlight the text to be linked in PowerPoint.

2. From the menu bar, pull down at Insert to Hyperlink.

3. At dialogue box ("Insert Hyperlink") tab on "Document"
and click on Select button.

4. At next dialogue box ("Choose a File"), highlight the
html file to be linked to and click once on the Open

5. Back to the "Insert Hyperlink" dialogue box: The "Link
to" window displays the file path which in this case is:
Click on OK button to close file.

That's the routine.

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