Using Excel and Word (both 2007) with current patches.
1) I create a comment in WORD
2) I copy the text in that comment
3) I paste that text into an Excel cell as a hyperlink
4) When I click on the Excel cell it takes me to the comment in the word
doc. Great.
5) Now, save as "xlsx", close Excel and reopen.
6) Click on the same Excel cell. It now tales me to the top of the word doc,
not the particular comment.
If I look at the hyperlink in Excel, it changes after the close and reopen...
e.g. if the comment text in Word is "wibble", then the hyperlink text in
Excel before the close and reopen is...
Annotated%20RFP.doc#_Hlk177703877 7,1,7,30,,Wibble
However, after the close and reopen, the hyperlink text is
Annotated%20RFP.doc#_Hlk177703877 7,1,7,30,,Wibble
(the "space" between "Annotated%20RFP.doc#_Hlk177703877" and
"7,1,7,30,,Wibble" is actually a tab character.)
Looks like Excel is not saving TAB characters in hyperlinks in xlsx format.
A bug anyone?
1) I create a comment in WORD
2) I copy the text in that comment
3) I paste that text into an Excel cell as a hyperlink
4) When I click on the Excel cell it takes me to the comment in the word
doc. Great.
5) Now, save as "xlsx", close Excel and reopen.
6) Click on the same Excel cell. It now tales me to the top of the word doc,
not the particular comment.
If I look at the hyperlink in Excel, it changes after the close and reopen...
e.g. if the comment text in Word is "wibble", then the hyperlink text in
Excel before the close and reopen is...
Annotated%20RFP.doc#_Hlk177703877 7,1,7,30,,Wibble
However, after the close and reopen, the hyperlink text is
Annotated%20RFP.doc#_Hlk177703877 7,1,7,30,,Wibble
(the "space" between "Annotated%20RFP.doc#_Hlk177703877" and
"7,1,7,30,,Wibble" is actually a tab character.)
Looks like Excel is not saving TAB characters in hyperlinks in xlsx format.
A bug anyone?